Web Page: )

Ok, So I'm Starting this Web page. Me Monica Yes I know; ), There's nothing else to do, but home work, so why not?
     I am blogging frequently as little as 3 post a day. It isn't going to be something dumb like "OCTOMOM!" Just things that catch my Eye. I'll admit, I'm a Weird kid, I kinda go looking for these things. The Internet Is my playground, I'm just ready to get out of the sun. [no sense!]
     Yet, I am an easy goingperson so if anytime, hit me up on my aim or twitter  if you have any suggestions or contributions, even comments: )
aim: Luvmoni4
Twitter: @gorgeousmuah
myspace: BRAiNiAC [this isn't going to change, anytime soon: )]
email: [email protected] [suggestions only please. please, I hate SPAM!]


My muse. I added this guy on myspace& i've beenreading his blog for a while everything he says, or post is so real. I even favorited on my computer. Guys blog goes hard. Anyways, He's a wippy dresser& his shoe game is to be duplicated (but don't because you will look stupid:) ), even his name is cool MCFLY?!?! Who does that lol!  I promise not to copy him, because imiation is suicide. But Please check him out, soon: )
Life and Times of Mcfly

    Any Suggestions? Drop It In The Suggestion Box, I'll get Back to You:)